Shichimi Togarashi

Shichimi Togarashi

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$14.50 $14.50
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$14.50 $14.50
Size: 60g Jar
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Shichimi Togarashi
Shichimi Togarashi
Shichimi Togarashi
Size: 60g Jar

Shichimi Togarashi ("shichi" meaning "seven" and "mi" meaning "taste"; "togarashi" is Japanese dried red chilli) is a popular Japanese seven-flavour seasoning, containing dried chilli mixed with several distinct spices.

Often just called shichimi, there are variations to the formula depending on which region in Japan you travel to - often, more than seven spices are included. Use as a condiment for spicing udon noodles, soups, nabemono (one-pot dishes) and yakitori. Its delicious crunch is irresistible.

Chilli, black sesame, golden sesame, orange peel, blue poppy, white poppy, sichuan pepper, aonori.
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